University of Brighton Logo MEIP Re-union

Contacts: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3


Hi all,

Ok, I did organise a re-union of all the people who did the BSc(Hons) Micro-Electronics and Information Processing couse at Brighton Polytechnic (Now the University of Brighton).

I'd planned to get as many ex-Meips from all the years together, but apart from the second year, I didn't get much response. So, we just kept it to them.
Since several people moved around between years, I've included everyone who made an appearance on the second year at some stage.

I arranged to meet everyone in the King & Queen in Brigthon on the 10th October, and duly made my way down find that it had closed down. A frantic half hour of leaving notes, and ringing mobiles (to universal howls of derisive laughter) later, and I'd contacted just about everybody, and told them to meet in the Pavillion Tavern a.k.a. Shades.

After a while, people started to appear. Everyone looked just the same, apart from Kev Bramhill, who seems to have gone rather grey. Must be the contracting. In all, we had 11 turn up, which wasn't a bad turnout. Pauric, Kev Bramhill, Pete Skead, Gary Meades, Pete Munro, Kev Browne, Niall, Guy, Ian, Adrian and Myself.

After it seemed certain that nobody else was going to turn up, (and closing time was approaching), we set out to the Windsor Tavern, spurred on by the offer of a lock-in from Pauric. On the way, we lost Niall, Kev Browne and Guy, but there were still eight of us when we got there. On arrival, Gary led a revolt, and suggested that we should go to the Gloucester, like the old days. The party split in half with Pauric, Pete Skead and Kev Bramhill staying in the Windsor, and the rest of us lurching down to the Gloucester.

After a brief argument with the doorman about producing some valid ID (which Pete Munro solved by giving him his business card), we were in. The heady days of over-priced beer, loud music and sweaty bodies came flooding back. We stayed until closing time, narrowly avoiding a kicking because of Pete and his laser pointer.

We moved on from there to the all-night diner for a round of gutbusters with tea, except for Gary who insisted on drinking my tea, the bastard. From there, back home, where unconsciousness blotted out Pete's demands for hard core pornography.

The next day, a few more had departed, but Ian, Pete Skead, Pauric, Kev Bramhill and myself all met up in the (very crowded) Windsor Tavern to watch England Qualify for the world cup. More drinking followed, but to be honest, my heart wasn't in it as I still felt like shit after the night before.

Anyway, I think it was a success, and we should do it again.

Please mail me with any suggestions for date and location / activities for another re-union. Again, do you think we should invite any of these guys?

If you can think of anyone I've missed out, or have any contact information for anyone I haven't contacted yet, I'd love to have it.See you soon,


p.s. Why not join the Brighton Graduates Association, it's free and you get some stuff through the post every now and again.