The Laws of Albion

Not much is recorded about the laws of Albion, though in the first Chronicle, King Yulfric the Wise is heard discussing some revisions with his advisers.  [NB] The text below is the version after amendment, the original versions were deemed to be impractical.

The poaching of Venison in the kings realm is forbidden, the penalty for doing so shall be not less than thirty days having your liver pecked out by eagles, and or the fine of ten million gold quatroons.

The poaching of woodlice, hares, leverets, rabbits, wolves, hedgehogs, dormice, bats, truffle pigs, bears, chipmunks and slender lorises in the kings realm is forbidden, the penalty for so doing shall be not less than six years being stabbed with halberds, and or the fine of both legs and a head.

The poaching of birds, fruit, nuts, logs and air in the kings realm is forbidden, the penalty for so doing shall be not less than four months tied to a rock and thrown in the sea, or being smacked about the ears and neck with green elm twigs, plunged into boiling oil wearing only a tricorn hat, and then tied to a rock and still thrown in the sea

